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Practical Christianity

A Rock of Offense

In 1 Peter 2, Christ is portrayed as a stumbling stone and a rock of offence to those who stumble at His word, being disobedient. By the same token, Christ is elsewhere described as a rock of shelter; a fortress and protection to those who believe on Him. In this sermon, Bill Pinto highlights the factors that determine which side of the Rock one will face. Yet it doesn’t end there. For as Jesus Himself declared: “whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder”.

Behold The Serpent and Live

In the book of Numbers, Moses recounts an incidence where "the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died". God instructed Moses to form a serpent of brass and raise it upon a pole, and all who looked upon this brazen serpent were cured. Yet what does this Old Testament story have to do with Nicodemus and his night-time interview with Jesus? Bill Pinto seeks to unravel this question in order to magnify the true meaning of conversion and the born-again experience.

Sic Hours To Be Saved

From the stories of Abraham and Sarah; Rahab the harlot; and finally, the thief on the cross, Bill Pinto shows what the Bible has to say about righteousness by faith.

The Truth About Forgiveness

Bill Pinto explores man's part in receiving true forgiveness; that unfathomable gift purchased by the Father and His Son.

Make Haste And Come Down

The story of the rich young ruler and the story of Zacchaeus occupy consecutive chapters in the Bible. Is this for a reason? What can be learnt by a comparative study of these two chapters? Moreover, what do these stories have to teach us about the love of God and true repentance?

Three Days And Three Nights

A comparative study of Jonah's experience in the belly of the great fish, and Christ's experience in Gethsemane. "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12:40

Communion And The New Covenant

Bill Pinto shares an inspiring message on the weaknesses of the Old Covenant and the promises of the New. Beginning in the book of Hebrews, Bill charts the differences between the two covenants, and highlights the power which the communion service holds for the New Testament Christian. The sermon ends with a challenging examination of how God’s law—the Ten Commandments—stands unchanged.

The Communion Service:

Crossing The Red Sea

There is no reason why the communion service cannot be as powerful and transformative today as it was during the days of the apostles. So why has its power been lost sight of? Why has it become a mere form to so many? Furthermore, what does it mean to partake of the symbols unworthily? And ultimately, who qualifies?

Help Thou My Unbelief

Are you struggling to overcome lingering doubts? This sermon contains inspiring passages from the Bible and Steps to Christ to help you on your daily walk. Join Tom Pinto as he explores the true meaning of faith; the power of the human will; and the importance of claiming God’s promises.

Baptism Forgiveness And The Second Death

Which death did Christ die? And what does this have to do with baptism and the forgiveness of sins? Furthermore, what does it mean to be truly converted?

Should Women Wear Veils In Church?

1 Corinthians 11 contains Paul’s profound yet matter-of-fact address on the topic of female head coverings. From this chapter, questions are often raised as to to whether such coverings refer to physical veils and hats, or simply a woman’s natural hair.

There The King Is But A Begger

With parables and personal anecdotes, this sermon on righteousness by faith is sure to inspire.

The Robe, The Door And The Threshold Covenant

Learn the ancient meaning and symbolism of passing through the door, stepping over the threshold, and entering into covenants. Watch how this practice reflects the many covenants that God has made with man, and how the faithful will be clothed in garments of white raiment (Revelation 3:5, 3:8, 7:9) as the outward symbol of covenant with Jesus, and choosing to walk as His sheep through His door (John 10:7).

James 3: The Unruly Tongue

How neglected is our duty of bridling our tongue? We are very careful about what we eat, how we dress, and the things we watch on TV, but how careful are we about the things we say? Jesus said that for every word we speak, we shall give account for in the day of judgment. Every idle word.

The Bitterness of Joy

Why do bitterness and joy go together in a unique way for the Christian? What did Paul mean when he wrote that we are 'sorrowful yet alway rejoicing...having nothing, and yet possessing all things'? (2 Cor 6:10) Listen and discover how the only true joy is felt when God abides in our heart, through trial, and how true deliverance requires surrender and sacrifice of self to His will.

The Violent Take it By Fo

Jesus declared that "the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matthew 11:12). But who are the violent? And what kind of force do they employ? Join Tom Pinto as he unfolds the meaning of this enigmatic passage.

The Corn, The Wine & The Oil

Why do bitterness and joy go together in a unique way for the Christian? What did Paul mean when he wrote that we are 'sorrowful yet alway rejoicing...having nothing, and yet possessing all things'? (2 Cor 6:10) Listen and discover how the only true joy is felt when God abides in our heart, through trial, and how true deliverance requires surrender and sacrifice of self to His will.

Sapphire Stone Ministry
Sapphire Stone Ministries 
Private Ministerial Association

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Sapphire Stone Ministries, PMA

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