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Citrus Fruits

Among the restoration of ancient truths such as Creation, Cosmology and the eternal Moral Law, Sapphire Stone Ministries is dedicated to sharing God’s health message, which is the right arm of the gospel. In contrast, the enemy of our souls has made a counterfeit health message of harmful drugs and seemingly “natural remedies” that actually rob the body of vitality and weaken mankind’s ability to discern truth from error. God’s healing agencies of Sunshine, Water, Nutrition, Exercise, Oxygen, Rest, Temperance, and most of all, a full trust in God, truly restore the body and mind connecting us more closely to our creator. Abundant health and joy only comes from our creator and following his instructions for life and healing in the Bible.

Health Message is the Right Arm of the Gospel

Health Videos

Learn how to prevail in the battle of appetite!


In our world today, we face more temptation than ever to overcome appetites of the flesh. Billboards, television advertisements, and fast food chains all entice us to give in to our natural physical needs in a way that is unhealthy for the body and ultimately corrupts the soul. Adam gave in to temptation, but Christ overcame all, despite inexpressible anguish, by fasting in the wilderness.  

Using Biblical concepts, this talk describes the urgency of overcoming temptation of the flesh in order to regain Eden through the power of our will and self control. Learn how to overcome indulgences that deaden our moral perception, and instead forge neural pathways that lead us to God.

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